Sunday, May 20, 2007

Innocence in Austin

Who would have thought? Who can honestly say that they expected this sudden and drastic change in heart? And to think that it happened right here, right in the capitol and soul of fiery Texas. After desecrating sacred Mayan ruins in Mexico, humiliating Christian-based basketball squads over international waters, and nearly getting kicked out of the entire city of San Antonio, six young men (Garred, Richard, Jon B., Jon R., Sammy, and Jentry) finally came to Jesus. Citizens of Texas...sleep well tonight. And forever.


Anonymous said...

To precarious jurisdiction,
To twisted May clovers,
My heart and mind fly,
Endlessly over and over,

Track team debutants,
With miles til Dover,
She was 18 I 27,
Love passed by midnight rover.

yeadave said...

Garred, every time I enter your blog I hear you say what you've been saying for the last few months. "Hi, and welcome. We here at a few days later are always striving to fulfill your blogging needs. To this end, we have added a new feature...etc"
Don't you ever tell me any more bull shit like this or you can kiss our friendship goodbye.

The Petrini Post said...

Hello from an old friend from's Melissa Coleby...don't ask me how I found your website, but I did. Your daughter is adorable by the way. I can't believe your guys are all still friends and hanging's almost weird. :) My husband wants to say hello to Jentry...they were in the same mission in tell him Hello from John Petrini. Take care and feel free to say hello sometime!